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  • drrodriguez07

Tips for Sensitive People to Protect Their Energy

Sensitive People Need Extra Self-Care
Sensitive People Need Extra Self-Care

"A survival guide for empaths to stay grounded and centered."

Sensitive people or empaths have an ability to be emotional sponges that can heighten when they are at a social event, around co-workers, or in crowds. If empaths are around peace and love, their bodies assimilate these and flourish. Negativity, though, often feels assaultive or exhausting.

For empaths to fully enjoy being around others, they must learn to protect their sensitivity and find balance. Since I’m an empath, I want to help them cultivate this capacity and be comfortable with it.

I’ve always been hyper-attuned to other people’s moods, good and bad. Before I learned to protect my energy, I felt them lodge in my body. After being in crowds I would leave feeling anxiousdepressed, or tired. When I got home, I’d just crawl into bed, yearning for peace and quiet.

If you think you are a sensitive person and you are pregnant or in postpartum, it is particularly important to take care of yourself.

Here are six strategies to help you manage your sensitivity more effectively and stay centered without absorbing negative energy.

  1. Move away.

  2. Surrender to your breath.

  3. Practice Guerilla Meditation.

  4. Set healthy limits and boundaries. 

  5. Visualize protection around you.

  6. Define and honor your empathic needs.

Click below to read the full article on sensitive people.

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